Dezső Csaba
Dr. habil. Csaba Dezső (1973–) successfully completed his PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Alexis Sanderson at the University of Oxford in 2004. The title of his DPhil thesis is “Much Ado About Religion. A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Āgamaḍambara, a Satirical Play by the Ninth-Century Kashmirian Philosopher, Bhaṭṭa Jayanta”. Since February 2002 he has been teaching at the Department, currently as Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit. He translated Sanskrit belletristic works for the Clay Sanskrit Library. Together with Dominic Goodall he published a new edition and English translation of Dāmodaragupta’s Kuṭṭanīmata, an eighth-century novel in verse. He spent the academic year 2017/18 as a researcher at Leiden University, funded by the ERC Synergy project “Asia Beyond Boundaries”. Currently he is working on a critical edition of Vallabhadeva’s commentary on the Raghuvaṃśa together with Dominic Goodall, Harunaga Isaacson and Csaba Kiss.
beosztás: habilitált egyetemi docens
telefon: +36-1-4116500 / 5368 mellék
szoba: Múzeum krt. 6–8/A (Ifjúsági épület) I. em. 103.
fogadóóra: K 15:30–16:15; SZE 15:00–15:45
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- BBN-IND-383 Szanszkrit nyelv 3. K:10:00–11:30 (Ifj. ép. I. em. 105)
- BBN-IND11-223 Szanszkrit szövegolvasás 3. H: 13:30–15:00
- BBN-IND23-341:03 Óind irodalomtörténet SZE: 16:00–17:30 (D ép. I. em. 126. Eötvös terem)
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