Modern India | आधुनिक भारत
Modern India | आधुनिक भारत

We suggest our students make use of the many helpful online sources collected here:
विद्यार्थियों की जानकारी के लिए संकलित कुछ उपयोगी ऑनलाइन सामग्री :
e-Dictionaries · ई-शब्दकोष
The most convenient online dictionary which covers multiple Indian languages. Its drawback is the lack of differentiation among various meanings; the grammatical gender of certain words may be misleading as well. App available for smart phone. A similar dictionary:
The first online Hindi dictionary which features voice recording, not only for entry words but sample sentences provided to illustrate each, ranging from simple to advanced.
हिन्दी बृहत्कोश, Hindi Brihat Kosh
One of the richest and most comprehensive older Hindi to Hindi dictionaries. For easy lookup, change the last word in the URL line. If you look up a truncated word, every word which starts that way will appear in the list. There are a few restrictions: 1) nuktas need to be omitted, 2) if the word you are looking for contains –ड़(–) then type it upto –ड, the word will appear in the list, 3) words with initial ध and ह are missing at the moment. For these, try
An updated but abbreviated online version of the previous Hindi Brihat Kosh. One can click to open the words within the entries, which is a plus point.
English-Hindi Dictionary by IIT Bombay
Based on a Hindi corpus lingustics project. Its vocabulary is somewhat limited, however here the main attraction is the differentiation of Hindi meanings given to English keywords through example sentences.
हिन्दी शब्दतन्त्र, Hindi Wordnet by IIT Bombay
Most complex thesaurus based on a Hindi corpus lingustics project. The main attraction is the differentiation of Hindi meanings and the use of example sentences.
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia (Digital South Asia Library, University of Chicago)
A truly impressive collection of fundamental handbooks, including:
Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi & English by John Thompson Platts
A Comprehensive Persian–English Dictionary by Francis Joseph Steingass
Tamil Lexicon of the University of Madras
A Historical Atlas of South Asia by Joseph E. Schwartzberg
Sri Granth Panjabi Dictionaries
A scientifically reliable combination of multiple monolingual and bilingual Panjabi dictionaries.
A non-scientific but very handy and reliable Urdu dictionary for day-to-day use.
रेख़्ता Rekhta
Dictionary by an esteemed Urdu cultural venture. Cites multiple source dictionaries.
A comprehensive collection of Hindi-Urdu verbs based on Platts’ dictionary.
Hindi Rhyming Dictionary by Abhivyakti
BollyMeaning and BollyNook, trustworthy sites which help understand Hindi song lyrics.
Hindí Wiktionary, specialized word lists and various toolkits for language processing.
Language practice · अभ्यास के लिए
Hindi Script Tutor Animated Devanagari tutorial from SOAS (Adobe Flash Playert has to be allowed).
E-Hindi Hindi Learning platform developed by the Institute of Oriental Studies, Adam Mickievicz University, Poznań.
Literature online · साहित्य ऑनलाइन
Online resources / ऑनलाइन भण्डार
हिन्दी समय Hindi Samay
A corpus of modern Hindi literature by Wardha University. वर्धा विश्वविद्यालय की हिन्दी साहित्य निधि।
कविता कोश Kavita Kosh
Modern Hindi poetry. आधुनिक हिन्दी काव्य। Also on Facebook पर भी.
गद्यकोश Gadya Kosh
Modern Hindi prose. आधुनिक हिन्दी गद्य। Also on Facebook पर भी.
Literary blog / साहित्यिक ब्लॉग
जानकीपुल Janki Pul
It is worth to follow their Facebook posts as well. फेसबुक साइट की प्रविष्टियाँ भी फॉलो करने योग्य हैं।
ज़रूरी किताबें Zaruri Kitabein
Important books in Hindi. Fresh and classic literary works available in Hindi, one may find suggestions for reading in both categories on this Facebook page in case one doesn't have an idea instantly what to try.
हिन्दी में प्रकाशित 'ज़रूरी किताबों' की सूची। समसामयिक और क्लासिक, यह स्रोत आपको दोनों प्रकार की किताबों के सुझाव देगा अगर कहीं आपको सुझाव की आवश्यकता हो।
अभिव्यक्ति Abhivyakti
शब्दांकन Shabdankan
It is worth to follow their Facebook posts as well. फेसबुक साइट की प्रविष्टियाँ भी फॉलो करने योग्य हैं।
रेख़्ता Rekhta
Quality venture for the Urdu literary culture. The foundation organizes an elegant multiple-day literature festival yearly in Delhi.
एक बेहतरीन पहल उर्दू अदब के लिए। प्रायोजक दिल्ली में हर साल एक आलीशान साहित्य फेस्ट का आयोजन करते हैं।
Urdu treasure house by a Columbia University professor emerita. कोलम्बिया विश्वविद्यालय की प्राध्यापिका का उर्दू ख़ज़ाना।
A Texas Egyetem hindí-urdú intenzív nyelvi képzésének oldala sokoldalú, irodalommal is kapcsolatos forrásgyűjteménnyel. टेक्सास विश्वविद्यालय के प्रगत हिन्दी-उर्दू पाठ्यक्रम की वेबसाइट, साहित्य समेत कई विषयों पर विस्तृत सामग्री।
Print & online periodicals / मुद्रित व ऑनलाइन पत्रिकाएँ
तद्भव Tadbhav
बहुवचन Bahuvachan
पुस्तक-वार्ता Pustak Varta
नया ज्ञानोदय Naya Jnanoday
Big publishers / बड़े-बड़े प्रकाशन
वाणी प्रकाशन Vani Prakashan (Facebook)
राजकमल प्रकाशन Rajkamal Prakashan (Facebook)
राजपाल प्रकाशन Rajpal Prakashan (Facebook)
भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ Bharatiya Jnanpith (Facebook)
News · समाचार
Big dailies / बड़े-बड़े दैनिक |
Young & critical / युवा & तेज़
Some blogs / चंद ब्लॉग NYT India Ink (ceased) Le Figaro Inde (ceased)
Pakistan / पाक |
Entertainment · मनोरंजन
Highest quality Indian classical music.
Famous fusion music show.
Famous fusion music show. India is the BIGGEST fan!
Bangladeshi edition of the famous music program.
The YouTube channel of the biggest Indian music label. It's worth listening to its sub-channel Apna Punjab and the cozy Mixtape Bollywood mashups.
Pepsi SMASH Pakistani pop-rock series. popular music app like Spotify. You can listen to Radio Mirchi here online.
Radio ISHQ, BIG FM, AIR FM Gold most important FM stations in Delhi (listen on one of the many tuner sites). another music app like Spotify.
BollyMeaning and BollyNook trustworthy sites which help understand Hindi song lyrics.
The British Film Institute India Archives: truely awe-inspiring and unique footages of yesteryear India (accessible only through VPN in some countries). film distribution brand.
Pinkvilla celebrity news from India.
Institutions · संस्थाएँ
ICCR भारतीय सांस्कृतिक सम्बन्ध परिषद, Indian Council for Cultural Relations
India's enormous national cultural organization. The Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre alongside the Embassy of India in Budapest comes under ICCR. It delegates visiting professors and artists to foreign institutions. It provides scholarships for foreigners which then are supervised by UCG (see below).
KHS केन्द्रीय हिन्दी संस्थान, Kendriya Hindi Sansthan (Agra)
Central Institute of Hindi. It provides one-year language diploma courses to many nationalities.
DU दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, Delhi University
JNU जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi)
Jamia जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया, Jamia Millia Islamia (Delhi)
MGAHV महात्मा गांधी अन्तरराष्ट्रीय हिन्दी विस्वविद्यालय, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya (Vardhá, Mahárástra)
A central university where each subject is taught entirely in Hindi.
BHU काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय, Banaras Hindu University (Benares-Varanasi-Kashi)
UGC विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग, University Grants Commission
The main governing body of Indian higher education which handles the foreign scholarship holders' issues as well.
विश्व हिन्दी सचिवालय, Vishwa Hindi Sachivalaya (Mauríciusz)
World Hindi Secretariat, one of its main aims is to connect the diaspora. It helps organize the World Hindi Conference (Vishwa Hindi Sammelan).
वैज्ञानिक तथा तकनीकी शब्दावली आयोग, Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology
A state commission for providing standard new terminology in Hindi.
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies (London)