Péter Sági | पीटर शागि

Péter Sági | पीटर शागि

Dr. Péter Sági (पीटर शागि, पेतॅर शागि) (b. 1988) defended his PhD at the Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India. His PhD dissertation on women and social issues in contemporary Hindi author Mamtā Kāliā’s œuvre was published in 2018 by Vani Prakashan, Delhi. His Student's Hungarian-Hindi Thesaurus was published in 2019.

General information | सामान्य जानकारी

Position: Assistant Professor
Phone: 00 36 1 411 65 00 / ext. 5371
E-mail: sagi.peter@btk.elte.hu
Office: Múzeum krt. 6–8/A (Ifjúsági épület) I. em. 4.
Complete list of publications: mtmt.hu

Fields of Interest | रुझान

Hindi language and literature, culture of contemporary India
हिन्दी भाषा एवं साहित्य, समकालीन भारत की संस्कृति
Translation of lyrical texts
काव्य का अनुवाद

Taught subjects | पढ़ाये विषय

Hindi grammar, language exercises and text-readings (BA, MA)
हिन्दी व्याकरण, भाषा का अभ्यास तथा साहित्यिक पाठ (बीए, एमए)
General Knowledge about India and South Asia
देश परिचय (भारत एवं दक्षिण ऐशिया)
Cultural History of India after 1000 AD
भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति का इतिहास (सन् 1000 ई॰ के बाद)
Contemporary Indian Culture and Society
समकालीन भारत की संस्कृति और समाज
History of Hindi Literature
हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास
History of New Indo-Aryan Languages
नव आर्य भाषाओं का इतिहास

Academic profile | शैक्षणिक योग्यता

Major publications | प्रमुख प्रकाशन

  • Strī Evam Sāmājik Prasang: Mamtā Kāliā Kā Kathā Sāhitya. Vānī Prakāshan, New Delhi 2018.; doktori disszertációm kiadása
  • Ek Sārgarbhit Hindī Shabdāvalī: Magyar-hindí szókincstár. L'Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest 2019.; tematikus hindí szinonimaszótár diákoknak

Academic title | उपाधि

2018  PhD — Literary Studies, Hindi Literature
Thesis: ममता कालिया के कथा-साहित्य में स्त्री एवं सामाजिक प्रसंग (Women and Social Issues in Mamta Kalia’s Fiction)

Workplace | कार्यस्थल

2019–  ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Oriental Studies, Department of Indian Studies

Studies | अध्ययन

2013–2017  MGAHV Wardha, India: School of Hindi and Comparative Literature
2010–2012  ELTE: MA in Indian Studies
2009–2010  KHS Agra, India: one-year Hindi language certificate course
2006–2009  ELTE: BA in Classics (Latin and Classical Greek)
1998–2006  Németh László Gimnázium, Budapest

Honours | सम्मान

2023  Invited representative, World Hindi Conference (Fiji)
2021  EICBI EuropeIndia40 Young Leader
2018  Invited representative, World Hindi Conference (Mauritius)
2012  Abhivyakti Magazine Award (अभिव्यक्ति पत्रिका पुरस्कार)
2011  Hungarian State Scholarship